403 585-0097

What is a Spinal Adjustment?

What is a Spinal Adjustment? A spinal adjustment is a special procedure your chiropractor uses to reduce restrictions of your joints to allow them to move properly.  Your chiropractor spends 7 years in school mastering this procedure. Once your chiropractor has...

Being Smart About Concussions

Being Smart About Concussions Concussion continues to be a very hot topic in sport these days. In fact, the Governor General spent a full day in December 2016 hosting a conference with former professional athletes, Olympic and Paralympic athletes, the medical...

Over Training

Over Training There’s no question that exercise is the key to health and longevity.  Does that mean that the more training and exercise you do, the better the effect?  The more benefits achieved?  Well, not exactly. There comes a tipping point where too much is simply...

Active Parents Have More Active Kids

Active Parents Have More Active Kids Children benefit when parents increase their own daily physical activity, according to new research by Statistics Canada. A CBC report on the study explains that a “child’s level of physical activity rises by 5 to 10 minutes for...