403 585-0097

How Can We Encourage Youth to Participate in Sport?

How Can We Encourage Youth to Participate in Sport? Originally published in www.sirc.ca Tuesday, January 27, 2015 – 09:00 There is extensive research on the health benefits of being physically active; despite this fact, a great number of Canadian youths are...

Getting to the Core of Athlete Performance

Getting to the Core of Athlete Performance Core strength and stability training is performed by most if not all competitive athletes these days. In fact, it is one of the few training forms that is effective for all sport disciplines. The core is central to all...

The Placebo Effect: Why the mind is a powerful thing

The Placebo Effect: Why the mind is a powerful thing The advancement of sport science and sport medicine has brought many fields to work to together in order to maximize athletic performance. Integrated Support Teams (IST) are the norm of today in elite athletics....