403 585-0097

Get Out and Get Walking

Get Out and Get Walking Walking is the simplest form of aerobic exercise. Anyone can walk, at any time of the day, with a faithful K-9 companion, a great pair of walking shoes and some simple reminders: Start slowly and at a comfortable pace. Walk with good posture...

5 Reasons to Add Intravenous Therapy to Your Wellness Routine

5 Reasons to Add Intravenous Therapy to Your Wellness Routine If you are a health conscious and active individual, you know the value of a good supplementation regime. We can all agree that in our modern-life, it’s very difficult to obtain all the nutrients our bodies...

IT Band: Should You Roll It?

IT Band: Should You Roll It? The iliotibial band (IT band) seems to be a confusing structure. Is it muscle, tendon, or fascia? What does it actually do? Should I roll it when it becomes sore and tight? In short, the IT band is made of thick, strong connective tissue...

Managing Pain in Endurance Sports

Managing Pain in Endurance Sports Endurance athletes need to persevere through pain in training and competition. According to Kent University’s Samuele Marcora “our mind is what dictates our physical limits”. Exhaustion is not caused by muscle failure, but by the...

Being Smart About Concussions

Being Smart About Concussions Concussion continues to be a very hot topic in sport these days. In fact, the Governor General spent a full day in December 2016 hosting a conference with former professional athletes, Olympic and Paralympic athletes, the medical...