403 585-0097

Herniated Disc Management

Herniated Disc Management What is a Herniated Disc? Herniated discs are probably the most common diagnosis for severe back pain and sciatica (leg pain).  Discs are large cushions that lie between the individual vertebrae of our spinal columns. The disc composes of...

Crossed Postural Syndrome

Crossed Postural Syndrome Crossed Postural Syndrome is an oft overlooked, under diagnosed syndrome that is endemic in modern society.  Sitting in front of your computer forty hours per week is a major contributing factor.  The 1997 United States census showed that 51%...

Over Training

Over Training There’s no question that exercise is the key to health and longevity.  Does that mean that the more training and exercise you do, the better the effect?  The more benefits achieved?  Well, not exactly. There comes a tipping point where too much is simply...