403 585-0097

Managing Pain in Endurance Sports

Managing Pain in Endurance Sports Endurance athletes need to persevere through pain in training and competition. According to Kent University’s Samuele Marcora “our mind is what dictates our physical limits”. Exhaustion is not caused by muscle failure, but by the...

Over Training

Over Training There’s no question that exercise is the key to health and longevity.  Does that mean that the more training and exercise you do, the better the effect?  The more benefits achieved?  Well, not exactly. There comes a tipping point where too much is simply...

Most Common Injuries in Soccer

Most Common Injuries in Soccer   Lets just jump right to it; the top four time-loss injuries in soccer are: – ligament injuries to the ankle – ligament injuries to the knee – muscle strains to the hamstrings – muscle strains to the groin...

How Can We Encourage Youth to Participate in Sport?

How Can We Encourage Youth to Participate in Sport? Originally published in www.sirc.ca Tuesday, January 27, 2015 – 09:00 There is extensive research on the health benefits of being physically active; despite this fact, a great number of Canadian youths are...