403 585-0097

How Can We Encourage Youth to Participate in Sport?

How Can We Encourage Youth to Participate in Sport? Originally published in www.sirc.ca Tuesday, January 27, 2015 – 09:00 There is extensive research on the health benefits of being physically active; despite this fact, a great number of Canadian youths are...

Workplace Wellness

Workplace Wellness According to research by the Conference Board of Canada, workplace health and wellness was estimated to be a booming $6 billion industry and set to permeate 78% of workplaces in 2016. This trend has continued to grow throughout 2017 with workplaces...

Active Parents Have More Active Kids

Active Parents Have More Active Kids Children benefit when parents increase their own daily physical activity, according to new research by Statistics Canada. A CBC report on the study explains that a “child’s level of physical activity rises by 5 to 10 minutes for...

Mom, Dad and Me…and a Healthy Lifestyle

Mom, Dad and Me…and a Healthy Lifestyle It really is alarming; nearly 31% of Canadian children and youth 5-19 years of age are overweight or obese. And if the trend continues, we’re going to end up with an adult epidemic of obesity. It’s no secret that we have a...

Growth Spurts

Growth Spurts My wife and I recently purchased our 12-year-old son a new pair of shoes and new pants only to discover a month later, he’s complaining that he can’t make them fit!!  Geesh. Funny too, is that he liked a girl in school but she grew taller than him; a...