403 585-0097

Why Those Who Exercise Have a Good Head on Their Shoulders

Why Those Who Exercise Have a Good Head on Their Shoulders Exercise doesn’t just improve physical health: it also benefits brain health through increased brain function and resistance to neurodegenerative diseases. One of the key players in this relationship is...

Being Smart About Concussions

Being Smart About Concussions Concussion continues to be a very hot topic in sport these days. In fact, the Governor General spent a full day in December 2016 hosting a conference with former professional athletes, Olympic and Paralympic athletes, the medical...

Hockey great Ken Dryden says “Enough!” to head injuries

Hockey great Ken Dryden says “Enough!” to head injuries Last weekend, Ken Dryden – Hall of Fame goaltender, former Member of Parliament, and acclaimed author – wrote an essay in The Globe and Mail. It was titled “Enough!” and in it Dryden calls on the National Hockey...

Proof that small ice hockey is better for kids

Proof that small ice hockey is better for kids For the last few years, a debate has raged in the hockey world. On one side you have hockey specialists that recommend that kids aged 8 and younger play on a smaller surface (often half-ice). On the other side of the...

Getting to the Core of Athlete Performance

Getting to the Core of Athlete Performance Core strength and stability training is performed by most if not all competitive athletes these days. In fact, it is one of the few training forms that is effective for all sport disciplines. The core is central to all...