403 585-0097

Get Out and Get Walking

Get Out and Get Walking Walking is the simplest form of aerobic exercise. Anyone can walk, at any time of the day, with a faithful K-9 companion, a great pair of walking shoes and some simple reminders: Start slowly and at a comfortable pace. Walk with good posture...

Sleep Tips

Sleep Tips The combination of exercise and sleep for recovery is the fountain of youth.   Studies have shown that athletes sleep less than non-athletes and have even more problems sleeping prior to competition. There are various strategies for athletes to improve...

Do As The Flamingos Do

Do As The Flamingos Do Be ProActive and do as the Flamingos do!   Our ability to balance on one leg is challenged every single day with our daily activities. For every single step we take, we spend some time on one leg. Every stair we climb or descend, when...

What is a Spinal Adjustment?

What is a Spinal Adjustment? A spinal adjustment is a special procedure your chiropractor uses to reduce restrictions of your joints to allow them to move properly.  Your chiropractor spends 7 years in school mastering this procedure. Once your chiropractor has...

Herniated Disc Management

Herniated Disc Management What is a Herniated Disc? Herniated discs are probably the most common diagnosis for severe back pain and sciatica (leg pain).  Discs are large cushions that lie between the individual vertebrae of our spinal columns. The disc composes of...

Dry Needling and Physiotherapy

Dry Needling and Physiotherapy When I first started needling in 2006 most of my patients had never tried it before, or for some of them, had never even heard of this treatment technique. Today, most people have tried or at least heard of needling as part of treatment,...