403 585-0097

Crossed Postural Syndrome

Crossed Postural Syndrome Crossed Postural Syndrome is an oft overlooked, under diagnosed syndrome that is endemic in modern society.  Sitting in front of your computer forty hours per week is a major contributing factor.  The 1997 United States census showed that 51%...

IT Band: Should You Roll It?

IT Band: Should You Roll It? The iliotibial band (IT band) seems to be a confusing structure. Is it muscle, tendon, or fascia? What does it actually do? Should I roll it when it becomes sore and tight? In short, the IT band is made of thick, strong connective tissue...

Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal Fatigue Stress, stress, and more stress are the conditions that most of us operate under each day of our lives. Between our obligations at home and in our families very few of us have time for ourselves.  Even exercise can be perceived as stress by a body that...