403 585-0097

Active Parents Have More Active Kids

Active Parents Have More Active Kids Children benefit when parents increase their own daily physical activity, according to new research by Statistics Canada. A CBC report on the study explains that a “child’s level of physical activity rises by 5 to 10 minutes for...

Excellence Takes Time

Excellence Takes Time It has been suggested that a minimum of 10 years of practice (sometimes stated as 10,000 hours) is needed for expert performers in any field to reach the elite level (Ericsson, Charness, Feltovich, & Hoffman, 2006). Other evidence indicates...

Sex and the Athlete

Sex and the Athlete Does abstinence really improve performance? To have sex or not to have sex; that is the question. We’ve all heard the myth that for athletes to perform well, abstinence the night before competition is a must. The theory goes, sexual...

Five Ways to be a Great Sports Parent

Five Ways to be a Great Sports Parent Is there anything better than watching your child run or skate around with a smile on their face? Kids will tell you the number one reason for playing a sport is fun. Seeing your child find enjoyment while playing sports is...

Feeling sore after a workout? Could it be an injury?

Feeling sore after a workout? Could it be an injury? Everyone’s experienced that post workout feeling of “Wow! Definitely got a good workout in today”. Or maybe you have experienced DOMS or “delayed onset muscle soreness” where your extremely sore and tight for a...